A well-known fact about cats is how clean they are, as they clean themselves regularly. You may never have thought about bathing your cat, but it’s sometimes necessary to give them a little help and bathe them yourself. If your cat is covered in something sticky, smelly or if they have picked something up, it’s best to give them a bath and keep them clean. Here are our tips to keep your feline looking, feeling and smelling fresh.
How To Wash A Cat
Start With Your Cats Claws
Their form of defence is their claws, so it’s best to focus on these before you put your cat straight into a stream of water. Keep the atmosphere calm and focused so you can trim your cats claws appropriately. We recommend using specific cat nail clippers to cut your cats nails with. If you're wanting to know the best way to cut your cats claws why not check out our blog on how to trim your cat's claws?
Brush Them First
Once you’re happy with your cats claws, give your cat a brush over, removing any excess hair sitting in your cats coat. Cats shed all year round, so getting the excess hair from them will ensure for a more efficient bath time.
Introducing The Bath
Generally your cat won’t enjoy the bathing process and won’t be willing if they’re hungry or tired. So, try to time the grooming just right in their day, so they’ll be more comfortable throughout. You may want to play with them beforehand, or even offer them some catnip.
If you don’t have a rubber bathmat, fold a towel and place it on the bottom of the bath so your cat has something sturdy to stand on. Fill the bath with a couple of inches of lukewarm water and place your cat in the water. You may need a second pair of hands to help with washing.
Do not use human shampoo on your cats fur, use a specially designed cat shampoo to avoid any unnecessary trips to the vet. Start at your cats neck and work your way over their body to finish with the shampooing of their tail. It’s unlikely your cat will go under the water, so use a jug to pour clean water over them to rinse out all of the shampoo.
Washing Their Face
We don’t recommend pouring water over your cats face and ears, instead, use a clean damp cloth to wipe over their face to clean.
Dry your cat fully and brush through if your cat needs it. Our Drying Mitts are great for lifting your cat out of the bath and drying them straight away.
Finally, don’t forget to finish with a really tasty, high reward treat. Treats and praise will make the while process more enjoyable for your cat, and they may let you bathe them again!