Prepare Your Pet For Spring
03.03.20 March 03, 2020 Health

Prepare Your Pet For Spring

It’s safe to say we can hardly wait for Spring! Winter has its charm; romantic in its bleakness, but there’s nothing quite like the dawning of Spring. Daffodils blooming, lambs in the fields and longer daylight hours… sigh! But fear not, the transition into Spring is upon us. With this in mind, there are a few things that pet owners should consider with the changing of the seasons. The warmer climate will bring with it some changes in our pets which may affect how we look after them. Here we look at a few ways you can prepare your pets for Spring…   Pet Grooming As the weather gets warmer our cats and dogs will begin to shed their winter coats to make way for their new sleek fur. This potentially, depending o the breed of your pet, means lots of shedding. Most breeds will shed somewhat, but especially longhaired breeds. Be prepared to hoover it regularly and also increase their grooming routine. A daily brush will hopefully keep shedding to a minimum and also keep knots and tangles at bay. Even shorthaired will benefit from a regular brush. It not only detangles hair, but also provides a good massage and stimulates blood flow. Not to mention that’s it’s great bonding time for you both too. Depending on your pet’s temperament, you may wish to give them a bath every now and then too.  Use a gentle pet shampoo for the wash and then dry with a drying towel or mitts.   Seasonal Allergies in Pets Like humans, animals too can suffer from seasonal allergies. These cause similar symptoms to those humans would suffer, such as runny noses, watery eyes and itching. It’s best to speak to your vet about the best preventative method for your particular pet, but a regular wash may help remove airborne allergens that may become attached to your pet; and increasing Omega-3 fatty acids in their Diet could also help.   Fleas, Ticks and other Pests The warmer weather will bring with it the emergence of biting flies, mosquitos and other pests. They are not just an annoyance but can also cause illnesses in our pets, so keeping them at bay is essential. There are many options for flea and tick prevention. Again we’d suggest speaking to your vet about the best solutions for your particular pet.   Beware of Poisons The most common poisons are plant based. We’ve talked about the types of flowers and plants that can be poisonous to our pets in previous articles, so make sure you are aware of those and keep your pet away for them as best you can. Foods such as onions, garlic, grapes, chocolate and salt can also be toxic to pets. Be aware and keep your pet safe coming into the Spring.   Make Your Pet is Microchipped We’d suggest you get all cats and dogs microchipped. Any animal that goes outside should be microchipped just in case they get lost, but we’d even suggest chipping indoor cats just to be on the safe side. That open window might just entice them to explore further in the warmer months. An ID tag on a collar is a good addition for someone to quickly locate a lost pet’s home, but a microchip is the safest, most secure option.

By Megan Willis

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It’s safe to say we can hardly wait for Spring! Winter has its charm; romantic in its bleakness, but there’s nothing quite like the dawning of Spring. Daffodils blooming, lambs in the fields and longer daylight hours… sigh! But fear not, the transition into Spring is upon us. With this in mind, there are a few things that pet owners should consider with the changing of the seasons. The warmer climate will bring with it some changes in our pets which may affect how we look after them. Here we look at a few ways you can prepare your pets for Spring…


Pet Grooming

Dog being grooming

As the weather gets warmer our cats and dogs will begin to shed their winter coats to make way for their new sleek fur. This potentially, depending o the breed of your pet, means lots of shedding. Most breeds will shed somewhat, but especially longhaired breeds. Be prepared to hoover it regularly and also increase their grooming routine. A daily brush will hopefully keep shedding to a minimum and also keep knots and tangles at bay. Even shorthaired will benefit from a regular brush. It not only detangles hair, but also provides a good massage and stimulates blood flow. Not to mention that’s it’s great bonding time for you both too. Depending on your pet’s temperament, you may wish to give them a bath every now and then too.  Use a gentle pet shampoo for the wash and then dry with a drying towel or mitts.


Seasonal Allergies in Pets

Like humans, animals too can suffer from seasonal allergies. These cause similar symptoms to those humans would suffer, such as runny noses, watery eyes and itching. It’s best to speak to your vet about the best preventative method for your particular pet, but a regular wash may help remove airborne allergens that may become attached to your pet; and increasing Omega-3 fatty acids in their Diet could also help.


Fleas, Ticks and other Pests

Dog wearing a drying coat

The warmer weather will bring with it the emergence of biting flies, mosquitos and other pests. They are not just an annoyance but can also cause illnesses in our pets, so keeping them at bay is essential. There are many options for flea and tick prevention. Again we’d suggest speaking to your vet about the best solutions for your particular pet.


Beware of Poisons

The most common poisons are plant based. We’ve talked about the types of flowers and plants that can be poisonous to our pets in previous articles, so make sure you are aware of those and keep your pet away for them as best you can. Foods such as onions, garlic, grapes, chocolate and salt can also be toxic to pets. Be aware and keep your pet safe coming into the Spring.


Make Your Pet is Microchipped

We’d suggest you get all cats and dogs microchipped. Any animal that goes outside should be microchipped just in case they get lost, but we’d even suggest chipping indoor cats just to be on the safe side. That open window might just entice them to explore further in the warmer months. An ID tag on a collar is a good addition for someone to quickly locate a lost pet’s home, but a microchip is the safest, most secure option.

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    Why Is My Cat Staring at Me?

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Conclusion Understanding why your cat is staring at you can deepen your relationship and ensure your feline friend is happy and healthy. Whether they are seeking attention, showing affection, or simply curious, recognising these behaviours can help you respond appropriately. Remember, each cat is unique, and their staring can have multiple meanings depending on the context. Pay attention to their body language and overall behaviour to decode their message accurately. By being attentive and responsive, you can create a nurturing environment that caters to your cat’s needs, making both of your lives more harmonious. So the next time your cat stares at you, take it as an opportunity to connect and understand your furry companion better. Shop everything you could need for your cat here at Lords & Labradors, from cat trees to food to toys we really have everything you could need.

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    How to Soothe Burned Dog Paws: Expert Tips for Canine Paw Care

    As temperatures rise during the scorching summer months, it’s important to keep your dog’s health in mind, including their sensitive paw pads. Dogs can suffer from burned paw pads due to various reasons, including hot pavements, artificial grass, sand, or even chemicals. In this guide, we'll delve into the essential steps on how to treat, care for, and soothe burned dog paws, ensuring your canine companion stays comfortable and healthy throughout the summer. Understanding Burned Dog Paws: Before diving into treatment methods, it's crucial to understand how dogs can end up with burned paws, especially during the summer season. The primary cause of burned paw pads in dogs is walking on hot surfaces such as asphalt, concrete, sand, artificial grass or metal. These surfaces absorb and retain heat, making them particularly hazardous for your dog's delicate paw pads. Additionally, exposure to chemicals like road salt, lawn fertilisers, or pool additives can also lead to burns on your dog's paws. How to Prevent Burned Dog Paws in Summer: Prevention is key when it comes to protecting your dog's paws from burns. Vets Now have put together 4 easy steps you can take this summer to protect your dog’s paws: Follow the seven second rule. Place the back of your hand on the pavement or surface you are planning to walk your dog on for seven seconds, if it’s too hot for your hadn’t then it’s too hot for your dog’s paws Keep to natural grass. Artificial grass retains much more heat than natural grass. We recommend opting for shady routes and natural grassy areas when walking your dog to minimise contact with hot surfaces Schedule walks during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late evening, to avoid hot surfaces. Protect their paws Invest in booties or paw balm to create a barrier between your dog’s paws and any hot surfaces. How to Treat Burned Dog Paws: If your dog does end up with burned paw pads, prompt treatment is essential to alleviate discomfort and promote healing. Follow these steps to care for your dog's burned paws: Assess the Severity: Start by examining your dog's paws to assess the extent of the burns. Minor burns may present as redness or blistering, while more severe burns can cause swelling, raw patches, or even peeling of the skin. Cooling Compress: Apply a cool, damp cloth to your dog's burned paw pads to help reduce inflammation and soothe discomfort. Avoid using ice directly on the paws, as it can cause further damage. Gentle Cleaning: If there are any foreign substances or debris stuck to the burned paw pads, gently clean the area with lukewarm water and mild pet-safe soap. Pat the paws dry with a clean towel afterward. Moisturise: After cleaning and drying your dog's paws, apply a pet-safe moisturising balm or aloe vera gel to promote healing and keep the paw pads hydrated. Avoid products containing harsh chemicals or fragrances, as they may irritate the sensitive skin further. Protective Bandaging: For more severe burns or to prevent your dog from licking or chewing the affected paw pads, consider applying a breathable, non-adhesive bandage. Ensure that the bandage is not too tight and check it regularly for signs of irritation. Rest and Restricted Activity: Encourage your dog to rest and avoid strenuous activity while their paw pads heal. Limit outdoor time, especially during the hottest parts of the day, to prevent further damage. We recommend keeping a first aid kit on hand with the above items in, our Pet Experts particularly love the Charlie The Vet first aid kit as it was designed by vets for pets to give owners the tools and knowledge needed to treat common at-home emergencies. How to Soothe Burned Dog Paws: In addition to the above treatment steps, there are several additional methods you can use to soothe your dog's burned paw pads and promote healing: Oatmeal Baths: Prepare a soothing oatmeal bath for your dog by adding finely ground oatmeal to lukewarm water. Soak your dog's paws in the oatmeal solution for 5-10 minutes to relieve itchiness and inflammation. We also recommend keeping an oatmeal paw balm on hand to further reduce the inflammation, we love both the Pet Head Oatmeal Paw Butter and the Bugalugs nose and paw balm - both are super hydrating and kind to sore paws. Epsom Salt Soaks: Epsom salt has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain and reduce swelling in burned paw pads. Dissolve Epsom salt in warm water and soak your dog's paws for 10-15 minutes. Natural Remedies: Consider using natural remedies such as calendula cream or coconut oil to soothe and moisturise your dog's burned paw pads. These ingredients have anti-inflammatory and healing properties that can aid in the recovery process. Comfortable Sleeping Area: Ensure that your dog has a comfortable and padded sleeping area to rest their paws while they heal. Avoid hard surfaces or abrasive materials that could further irritate the burned paw pads. Conclusion: Taking proactive measures to prevent burned dog paws and promptly treating any injuries is crucial for maintaining your dog's paw health, especially during the summer months. By following the expert tips outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your canine companion stays comfortable, happy, and free from paw pad burns all season long. Remember to consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog's paw injuries or if you notice signs of infection. With proper care and attention, you can keep your dog's paws safe and sound, allowing them to enjoy outdoor adventures without the risk of discomfort or injury.Here at Lords & Labradors we focus on sourcing and making the best quality pet products, including the best grooming and first aid products to help soothe and protect your dog’s paws this summer - shop here.

    By Megan Willis

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